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In Australia we generally like to eat salads and ice cream when the weather is warm. But in some countries, they eat hot when it’s hot, and they are right! 

A rigorous experiment revealed that on a hot, dry day, drinking a hot beverage can help your body stay cool.

So next summer, do us a favour and try it. Try our Hart & Soul Laksa Soup Kit in the midst of summer to not only cool you down but fill you with the right nutrients.

 Laksa is a soup that embraces the aromas and heat of spices. Did you know that chili makes see everything through rose-colored glasses? It secretes endorphins in our brain. and the more you eat, the more you feel good! 

 Once again, Holly from @thehealthyhunter has done it, her beautiful recipe combines vibrant flavours of the soup and the benefits of the veggies she adds to it. So you can enjoy a gorgeous and truly healthy meal anytime of the day or season in just 10 minutes!



  • 1 Hart and Soul Laksa Soup kit
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup kale
  • 1 handful snow peas, trimmed,
  • 1/2 cup finely sliced carrot
  • 1/4 cup spring onion
  • 1/2 cup coriander leaves
  • 1 lime cut in half



  • Bring a small pot of water to the boil and place eggs in. Cover and cook for 6 – 7 minutes. Once cooked remove with a slotted spoon and keep boiling water. Run eggs under cold water until cool enough to handle and then peel.
  • Meanwhile follow step 1 (bring 250 mml of water to boil and steep herbs and spices for 2-3 minutes) of packet directions.
  • At step 2 add a handful of snow peas, 1 cup roughly chopped kale, 1/2 cup finely sliced carrot and 1 Tbs finely shopped spring onion. Cook for 2 mins.
  • While this is cooking place noodles in your pot of boiling water and remove from the heat. Let sit 3 mins (while you’re finishing the soup.
  • Follow the next step on the packet and add paste and coconut cream to the vegetables. Stir to combine and bring to the boil.
  • Place noodles in the bottom of a bowl, add laksa, slice egg in half and add to the bowl. Top with coriander and spring onion. Squeeze over lime just before slurping.
  • Enjoy!